A New Beginning

Posted by Alicia

All joking aside and without any 'original' excuses I return to the blog. In my absence, I have found that many things in life can provide dead ends, pot holes, speed bumps or detours on the road we all think we are on. Most of the time we drive too quickly and end up at a dead end without even knowing how we got there only to reflect and realize that we missed our turn. It's at this point that we are forced to turn around, drive slower and pay attention.

With that said, I have spent much of this year adjusting to my new life...one as a single mom. It's had it's ups and downs to say the least but I'd have to say that the kids have never been happier.

This next year I plan to focus on me! Wow, me, really?!?! Some would say that I am selfish or that I won't be a good mom and I have struggled with whether or not to feel guilty but in the end I know that I cannot, no matter how hard I try, be a good mother if I am not well. So it is with you, lucky readers, that I plan to not only share my thoughts but links, recipes and new found adventures on my road to a new me. I hope that you will begin to share your thoughts, ideas and stories with me too!

So say goodbye to 2009 and HELLO 2010!!!


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