Yo-yo Dieting

Posted by Alicia

Ah, yep I said it! D-I-E-T!! I, now more than ever, am in need of improving my lifestyle not just for me and my health but for my children. I have found that with all the emotional and mental turmoil of 2009 that I have gained a significant amount of weight. I don't want to be a yo-yo dieter, I don't want to lose than gain. Instead I am turning to whoever wants to listen and input. I want to make permanent changes that in the process of learning I will be able to lose weight...and the key is to keep it OFF! So, I am asking...what have you or will you be doing in 2010 to work on your lifestyle??

On another subject, I said I would let you know how our 'little' family reunion went...it was amazing!! And although I am exhausted, I am truly happy that my family all got together and had such a wonderful time.

Oh the Holidays...

Posted by Alicia

whether you celebrate or not you know that the holidays are upon us. Traditions are carried on or new ones are made and you don't have to celebrate to create memories, right?? I love the holidays. Our family get togethers, having fun, playing games and exchanging gifts of course. This year is extra special...we're having a little family reunion this weekend. I say little because there are a few members who are far away and can't join us, but little is still just under 30 people! Yes, I have a large family. We're going to have so much fun I can't wait to share everything with you, dear reader. I am making sure to take pictures along the way and I hope to soon return to creating my scrapbook pages on a more regular basis.

So here's to wishing you and yours a Happy Holiday Season!!

Let me know what your traditions are...I'd love to hear them!!

Karma and good food

Posted by Alicia

Karma: Although there are people out there that will argue what I am about to say but 'I Love Karma'!! Yes I believe it can work both ways...either for good or not. You might call it something else like, "What goes around comes around" whatever, it's all the same to me. I have spent most of 2009 repairing, mending and replacing a lot of 'wrongs' in my life and I have been rewarded. My family and I are healthy (so thankfully). I have been blessed with a new job that I absolutely love and the best part is I have been reunited (virtually) with many old friends and colleagues. I have so much to read, write and learn still that I find I am often distracted by my own thoughts. Silly, isn't it?!?!
Good Food: So if there is someone out there who is looking to add a little spice to their dishes or you just want to try something new. I've tried both of these recipes and they were both HUGE HITS in this house.
Crispy Southwest Lasagna
Santa Fe Chicken Chili