Oh the Holidays...

Posted by Alicia

whether you celebrate or not you know that the holidays are upon us. Traditions are carried on or new ones are made and you don't have to celebrate to create memories, right?? I love the holidays. Our family get togethers, having fun, playing games and exchanging gifts of course. This year is extra special...we're having a little family reunion this weekend. I say little because there are a few members who are far away and can't join us, but little is still just under 30 people! Yes, I have a large family. We're going to have so much fun I can't wait to share everything with you, dear reader. I am making sure to take pictures along the way and I hope to soon return to creating my scrapbook pages on a more regular basis.

So here's to wishing you and yours a Happy Holiday Season!!

Let me know what your traditions are...I'd love to hear them!!


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